Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Delaware is one of the Middle Colonies of early America, alongside Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.
The colony was English in origin, and was founded in 1638, by the New Sweden Company, and Peter Minuit, a Dutch Colonist.
The two main reasons as to why Delaware was founded were trade and agriculture, this was due to the fertile soil, and thriving forests in the area.
Delaware was the first of the original 13 colonies to become a state of the United States, on 7th Dec 1787, almost 150 years after the colony was founded.
Despite the fact that the Dutch insisted on always purchasing land from the Native American's, rather than seizing land by force, this didn't keep the peace between the colonists and the Native Americans. In 1631, there was a massacre of the initial 28 colonists by the Zwaanendael Colony, due to the cultural shock and confusion over the concept of land ownership and payment. Therefore, the relationship between the Native people and the settlers wasn't positive, and the colony wasn't successfully founded until 7 years later, due to the area being deemed too dangerous to settle in.

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