Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pro/Anti Gun

Pro Gun Control: http://csgv.org

Anti Gun Control: https://home.nra.org

This first website shown is created by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and 'seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective advocacy.'  This organisation uses its contributions/funds to raise awareness of how dangerous guns are through social media, TV, radio and prints ads. Many of these awareness campaigns and their campaigners believe the NRA in particular and other organisations that are supportive of pro gun control are putting our loved ones in the line of fire. The CSGV want to educate people who are supporters of guns and make them realise why citizens must be free its violence through statistics and 'hard-hitting' stories about fatalities from gun violence. The organisation does not want to completely rid the country of the 2nd Amendment, however they advocate the idea of sensible and tighter gun laws.

On the other hand, the NRA, undoubtedly the most notorious and pro gun organisation in America believes in the traditional and founding principle of protecting the 'freedom' of individual gun owners. However, many people criticise the organisation and think it's actually working to protect the interests of the gun industry to manufacture and sell virtually any weapon or accessory to people who don't have the greatest training or understanding of safety. The NRA believes everyone should have the right to defend themselves against criminal intentions yet the irony is that these types of organisations suggest people need more guns to protect themselves from people who have guns. Moreover, the NRA argues "firearms helped define your life. Now, let them be your legacy.", which to an extent, is understandable as this was the ideology that secured American independence. Although, that was a time when guns were necessary to fight for independence. Nowadays the laws that are set in place are debatably outdated in a civilised society and it seems the US is the only super power nation that doesn't have a controlled, tighter and regulated process when purchasing weapons. There are countless statistics put forward by the CSGV which criticises all the NRA's beliefs. For example, no mass shooting in over 30 years has been stopped by an armed civilian thus proving the ineffectiveness of civilians having the right to defend themselves from criminals with guns.

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